Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Chapter 6 (up to "We hurry forward") - Guiding questions

Spies: Chapter 6 (up to “We hurry forward”)

Stephen plucks up courage and goes out in the middle of the night.
  1. How is he feeling?
  2. Why does he do it?
  3. What does he find out?

Stephen returns to the Close
  1. Who are looking for him?
  2. How does he feel and behave?
  3. What has he still got in his hands?

At the Haywards´...
  1. Why isn't the fruit of Stephen´s night excursion celebrated by Keith?
  2. What hypothesis does Stephen have in order to explain it?
  3. What hypotheses does he have to discard due to the new evidence?
  4. How does Stephen´s private conversation with Mrs Hayward makes him understand her words to them when they announce they are going out in a different way?

Stephen and Keith are on the other side of the tunnel discussing Stephen´s night excursion.
  1. In what ways has Stephen failed (from Keith´s point of view)?
  2. How does Keith taunt Stephen?
  3. How does Stephen feel at his failure to earn Keith´s respect?
  4. How do you feel for Stephen?

Stephen is about to go home and leave Keith when they hear footsteps in the tunnel.
  1. Who do they think it is?
  2. How do they both react?

When the footsteps fade, they scramble hurriedly towards the wire, and they start running in opposite directions.

  1. Where do each of them head for?
  2. How does Stephen feel when he realises Keith can´t go on his own?

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